


Skincare brand Eucerin is popular in Italy because of its range of products specifically conceived for sensitive and problematic skin.

The Brief

Aiming to boost the sales of their anti-aging line, they decided to gift one of their top selling products to clients purchasing that particular range. Eucerin called on Simple Agency and the drive-to-store platform S4M to tailor an effective strategy to promote their initiative.

The Strategy

Together, we executed a geo-targeted mobile campaign to drive potential clients to a network of 823 pharmacies across Italy.

To maximize the impact of the advertising, we targeted women between their 40’s and 60’s exclusively and we reached this specific cluster within 1km of each pharmacy.

As well as the audience targeting and the proximity marketing strategy, to optimize visibility we set up the campaign delivery based on the weekday and time frame, precisely:

  • All pharmacies from Monday to Friday between: 8AM-10AM, 12PM-2PM, 5PM-8PM
  • 442 pharmacies located in specific cities on Saturday (8AM-8PM) and Sunday (8AM-5PM)

We designed a mix of animated creatives to deliver a simple and smooth user experience. The ad formats communicated the promotion through a clear and brief CTA, displaying the products that were gifted to increase the intention to buy. Tapping on the CTA, the users were guided to a store locator that made it easy to reach the closest pharmacy.

The Results

The campaign was delivered during the winter season and in a month, we were able to drive 8,215 targeted consumers to the pharmacies involved in Eucerin’s promotion, a 46% visit uplift. The results show that when it comes to in-store promotions, it is fundamental to reach the right audience and customize a marketing strategy that delivers.